Translation Services
language-Xchange offers a comprehensive document translation service, for the full range of document formats and languages. With over 5,000 specialist translators based around the world we're ideally suited to translate any type of document whether it is technical, financial, medical, legal, marketing & PR, or any other subject. Combined with our use of translation technology and our extraordinary flexibility as regards client needs, this results in the fast and efficient service that our regular customers value.
You can use our online cost calculator to get an instant price for your translation and to find out when your translated document will be delivered back to you. When you file your translation order, you will have the opportunity to fully brief the professional translator on your exact requirements and we will use this information to match your document with the perfect translator.
With some translation agencies you don’t KNOW what you’re getting until it’s too late. With language-Xchange, you won’t discover any unpleasant surprises. language-Xchange is your online translation agency for high quality language translation services, transparent pricing and an extremely fast service.