where quality translations cost less
0845 867 90 33
United Kingdom

Service Sectors

All our translators have many years of experience in a vast range of speciality sectors. Our language professionals know your industry and understand your business, and consistently deliver the high-quality translations that will help you make the right impression. We cover the following service sectors:

Agriculture and horticulture

Agriculture and horticulture covers all areas of production, processing, marketing, and use of foods, fibers and byproducts from plant crops and animals, and plant cultivation. 

Arts, literature and media

Arts, literature and media include areas such as the history of Art to contemporary reviews, literary classics to technial guidelines and company websites to publishing materials.


Topics included under ‘Biology’ range from genetics, biophysics and marine biology to neurobiology, zoology and symbiogenesis. Ecological and botanical subjects are also comprehensively covered. Here is a list of Biology subject areas for classifying your text.


language-Xchange can meet all your business needs including financial reports, multi-national contracts, your annual accounting requirements to inter-departmental human resource specifications.

Correspondence / Job applications 

Correspondence / Job applications include any type of job application with accompanying references, CVs and private correspondence to loved ones.


Engineering topics include the design and construction air- and spacecraft, developments within the rail industry to the process of developing new cosmetic products.


Environment subjects include water, air and soil contamination, solar, wind and water energy, composting and recycling.


Humanities cover areas such as current political situations, archaeoligical surveys and excavation analysis, worldwide religious beliefs to sociological studies.


language-Xchange covers all your legal requirements including solicitor/client correspondence, company terms and conditions, probate documentation and business contracts.

Leisure / Tourism

Leisure / Tourism topics range from hotel literature and holiday travel arrangements to various sporting activites including skiiing and snowboarding.

Marketing / PR

Marketing / PR deals with all your advertising and marketing needs, including sales letters, direct mail, newletters, press releases, strategic reports and brochures.

Medicine and pharmaceuticals

Medicine and pharmaceuticals cover areas ranging from dentistry, acupuncture, oncology and radiology to technical equipment such as MRI Scanners and pacemakers.


language-Xchange covers all your Patenting requirements, ranging from Biology, Chemistry, Medicine & Pharmaceuticals and specialised engineering patents to telecommincations and IT related reports.


We specialise in a wide variety of political concerns dealing with agricultural, energy and environmental policies to security, trade and legal issues.

Technology / Communications

Technology/Communications covers all areas from programming, websites, computer applications and testing procedures to hardware, games and artificial intelligence.

Textiles and clothing

Textiles and clothing covers all areas from material production, patterns and costings to design specifications, product sourcing and show promotion materials.


Transport includes areas such as passenger and cargo aircraft, export and import shipping requirements and technical specifications for trains and cars.

How much will your translation cost?

1. Original Text

2. Languages

Please select the source language

3. Subject Matter


4. Your Currency

Swiss Franc  Euro  Sterling  US Dollar 

5. Your delivery deadline


Your price:

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language-Xchange offers a comprehensive document translation service, for the full range of document formats and languages. We offer a complete range of languages and our state of the art technology allows your translation requirements to be passed onto a professional translator in the shortest possible time. More information about our translation services - Read more

Translation Services | DTP Services | Express Translation Services | Our Prices | Our Languages | Our Translators

Our professional translators will take care of your translation order and deliver a fast and high quality translation of your text. Your translation will be translated by a professional mother tongue linguist who must be a member of a professional body such as the ITI, IoL, ASTTI, BDU and highly qualified in his/her field. More information about our translators Read more

English to Chinese | English to Dutch | English to French | English to German | English to Portuguese | English to Russian | English to Spanish

Many of the United Kingdom's largest companies and brands rely on our English Translation Services for their communications. If you require a top quality translation, we guarantee a top quality English translator will work on your text for you. More information about our English Translation Services Read more

English to Japanese | English to Polish | English to Arabic | English to Hindi | English to Swedish | English to Turkish | English to Czech

Many of the United Kingdom's largest companies and brands rely on our German Translation Services for their communications. If you require a top quality translation, we guarantee a top quality German translator will work on your text for you. More information about our German Translation Services Read more

language-Xchange is a leading Translation Office in the United Kingdom. Working with over 5,000 highly motivated, professional mother tongue translators who are based all over the world we deliver translations to our clients in over 1000 language combinations. The popular languages include German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese. More information about our Translation Agency Read more

Albanian Translations | Arabic Translations | Bengali Translations | Bulgarian Translations | Chinese Translations | Croatian Translations

language-Xchange specialises in providing professional technical translations. A technical translation needs a specialist translator who will either have extensive experience working within the relevant industry, or who will have undergone specialised technical translation training. Some translation offices are unable to process technical translations because this demands an excellent technical vocabulary. language-Xchange has technical translators who meet your requirements at the lowest possible cost. More information about our technical translation services - Read more

Danish Translations | Dutch Translations | Estonian Translations | Finnish Translations | French Translations | German Translations | Czech Translations

language-Xchange offers a high quality website translation service. With the translation of websites, linguistic accuracy and technical precision are paramount. Our website translators have extensive experience of Internet marketing, and have learnt how to overcome the difficulties of adding foreign language versions to existing websites, as well as translating entire websites into different languages. language-Xchange ensure that your translated website reads like marketing text written by a native speaker. Whatever your translation needs, language-Xchange will find the best translator for you. More information about our website translation services - Read more

Hebrew Translations | Hindi Translations | Hungarian Translations | Irish Translations | Norwegian Translations | Gujarati Translations | Greek Translations

language-Xchange has professional translators for the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Our qualified and certified translators are professionals for the translation of texts from the fields of medicine and pharmaceuticals. Whatever your translation needs, language-Xchange will find the best medical translators for you. More information about our medical translations - Read more

Italian Translations | Japanese Translations | Korean Translations | Latvian Translations | Lithuanian Translations | Maltese Translations

language-Xchange specialises in providing professional legal translations. We maintain our rigorously high quality standards in the translation of legal documents by only assigning translation work to translators who will either have extensive experience working in the legal industry or will have undergone dedicated legal translation training. Whatever your translation needs, language-Xchange will find the best legal translator for you. More information about our legal translation services - Read more

Persian Translations | Polish Translations | Portuguese Translations | Romanian Translations | Russian Translations | Serbian Translations | Slovak Translations

language-Xchange specialises in providing professional financial translations. We achieve a consistently high standard in our financial translations by using only the most highly qualified translators who will either have an extensive background in the financial services industry or will have undergone specific financial translation training. Whatever your translation needs, language-Xchange will find the best financial translator for you. More information about our financial translation services Read more

Slovenian Translations | Spanish Translations | Swedish Translations | Turkish Translations | Ukrainian Translations | Vietnamese Translations