function ChangeLanguage(languageCode, pageID, pathInsideModule) { var req = new JsHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.responseJS && req.responseJS.Answer && req.responseJS.Answer.Error) { alert(req.responseJS.Answer.Error); return; } document.location.href = req.responseJS.Answer; } } req.caching = false;'POST', '', true); req.send({ PageID: pageID, LangCode: languageCode, PathInsideModule: pathInsideModule }); } function GetTranslation(key) { switch (key) { case "delete-menu-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove menu "%Title%"" case "delete-page-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove page "%Title%"" case "has-subpages": return "This page has subpages!" case "delete-link-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove link "%Title%"" case "loading-menu": return "loading menu..." case "error-loading-menu": return "An error occured while loading menu" case "saving-menu": return "saving menu..." case "loading-seo": return "loadnig SEO information..." case "error-loading-seo": return "An error occured while loading SEO information" case "saving-seo": return "saving SEO information..." case "error-saving-sort": return "List of pages were changed. Update sort order is not possible. Please refresh page with [F5]" case "page-activate": return "Activate page" case "page-deactivate": return "Deactivate page" case "page-preview": return "Page preview" case "page-seo": return "Edit SEO information" case "page-delete": return "Delete page "%Title%"" case "page-edit": return "Edit page "%Title%"" case "page-hide": return "Hide" case "page-show": return "Show" case "page": return "Page" case "link-delete": return "Delete hyperlink \'%Title%\'" case "link-edit": return "Edit hyperlink \'%Title%\'" case "link": return "Link" case "menu-title": return "Title" case "menu-description": return "Description" case "menu-static-path": return "MENU_" case "admin-menu-site-structure": return "Site Map" case "admin-menu-template-variables": return "Translations" case "admin-menu-user-list": return "Users" case "admin-menu-my-profile": return "My Profile" case "admin-menu-logout": return "Logout" case "menu-image-no": return "Not used" case "menu-image-first-level": return "For first level only" case "menu-image-all-levels": return "For all levels" case "meta-title": return "Meta Title" case "meta-keywords": return "Meta Keywords" case "meta-description": return "Meta Description" case "attribute-title": return "Attribute title of the tag <a>" case "list-info1": return "%Page% of %Total%" case "list-info2": return "By request "%Request%" found %Total%" case "remove-image-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove this image" case "removing-image": return "removing image..." case "error-removing-image": return "An error occured while removing image" case "save": return "Save" case "cancel": return "Cancel" case "msg-no-url": return "Please enter URL for the link" case "msg-no-page-selected": return "Please choose a page from the list" case "msg-no-email": return "Please type the E-Mail address" case "title-site-structure": return "Site Structure" case "title-page-edit": return "Edit Page Content" case "title-module-edit": return "Edit Module Page" case "title-link-edit": return "Edit Link Information" case "title-user-list": return "Users" case "title-user-add": return "Add user" case "title-user-edit": return "Edit user" case "page-description": return "Description" case "page-description2": return "Description 2" case "page-is-removed": return "Page %Title% has been removed" case "title-empty": return "Title is required" case "template-is-not-defined": return "Template is not defined" case "templateset-is-not-defined": return "Template set is not defined" case "static-path-empty": return "Page URL is required" case "static-path-is-not-unique": return "This path (URL) already exists. Please choose another path." case "static-path-incorrect": return "Page URL incorrect! Use latin letters, numbers, hyphens (-), dots (.), and understrikes (_) only." case "static-path-empty-menu": return "Please enter value for MENU_" case "static-path-is-not-unique-menu": return "This value of the MENU_ already exists. Please choose another value." case "static-path-incorrect-menu": return "This value of the MENU_ incorrect! Use latin letters, numbers, hyphens (-), dots (.), and understrikes (_) only." case "parent-is-not-defined": return "Parent is not defined!" case "parent-language-different": return "Language of the parent page is not equal to language of the current page. Can\'t be saved." case "password-is-changed-and-sent": return "Your Password has been successfully changed. A new password has been sent to your E-Mail." case "logged-out": return "You have been successfully logged out" case "wrong-login-password": return "Incorrect login / Password!" case "new-password": return "New Password" case "open-calendar": return "Click here to expand calendar" case "your-session-expired": return "Your session expired. Please log in again." case "unknown-module": return "Module "%Module%" is not found" case "page-type-is-undefined": return "Page type is undefined" case "email-is-not-unique": return "This E-Mail already belongs to another user. Please choose another E-Mail." case "incorrect-email-format": return "Enter correct E-Mail" case "incorrect-email-address": return "Entered E-mail is not registered on the website" case "wrong-old-password": return "Old password is incorrect" case "password-empty": return "Enter your password please" case "password-not-equal": return "Passwords are not equal" case "first-name-required": return "Enter first name" case "last-name-required": return "Enter last name" case "role-undefined": return "Please choose role for the user" case "website-undefined": return "Please choose website for the user" case "user-edit-access-denied": return "Access denied" case "user-is-updated": return "Information about user has been updated" case "public-user-is-registered": return "You have been registered successfully" case "public-user-is-updated": return "Your information has been updated" case "user-is-removed": return "User %UserList% has been removed" case "users-are-removed": return "Users %UserList% have been removed. Total %UserCount% user(-s)" case "home-page": return "Home" case "sql-error": return "SQL query error. See log for details." case "upload-max-file-size": return "Max size of the file: %UploadMaxFileSize%" case "no-templates": return "You have to create file with name page.html under folder %Folder%" case "template-general": return "General" case "menu-image1": return "Icon 1" case "menu-image2": return "Icon 2" case "menu-image3": return "Icon 3" case "filesys-file-is-not-uploaded": return "File is not uploaded" case "filesys-file-doesnt-exist": return "Source file doesn\'t exists" case "filesys-getimagesize-error": return "Can\'t get image size for the file %File%" case "filesys-unsupported-image-mime-type": return "Images with mime type "%MimeType%" are not supported" case "filesys-unsupported-image-function": return "To complete image resizing function %Function% is required. But it is not supported by your hosting provider" case "filesys-file-upload-error": return "Error occured durig file upload. Error number %ErrorNumber%" case "filesys-incorrect-file-name": return "File name %FileName% is incorrect. Please rename file and upload it again" case "filesys-unsupported-file-mime-type": return "Files with mime type "%MimeType%" are not supported" case "filesys-file-exists": return "File with name %FileName% already exists in folder %FolderName%" case "filesys-copy-error": return "Error copy file from %From% to %To%" case "phpmailer-provide-address": return "You must provide at least one recipient email address" case "phpmailer-mailer-not-supported": return "%Mailer% mailer is not supported" case "phpmailer-execute": return "Could not execute: %Sendmail%" case "phpmailer-instantiate": return "Could not instantiate mail() function" case "phpmailer-authenticate": return "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" case "phpmailer-from-failed": return "The following From address failed: %Address%" case "phpmailer-recipients-failed": return "SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: %Address%" case "phpmailer-data-not-accepted": return "SMTP Error: Data not accepted" case "phpmailer-connect-host": return "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host %Host%" case "phpmailer-file-access": return "Could not access file: %File%" case "phpmailer-file-open": return "Could not open file: %File%" case "phpmailer-encoding": return "Unknown encoding: %Encoding%" case "error-sending-email": return "Your message has not been sent due to internal server error" case "incorrect-captcha": return "You entered the incorrect code" case "date-Sun": return "Su" case "date-Mon": return "Mo" case "date-Tue": return "Tu" case "date-Wed": return "We" case "date-Thu": return "Th" case "date-Fri": return "Fr" case "date-Sat": return "Sa" case "date-Sunday": return "Sunday" case "date-Monday": return "Monday" case "date-Tuesday": return "Tuesday" case "date-Wednesday": return "Wednesday" case "date-Thursday": return "Thursday" case "date-Friday": return "Friday" case "date-Saturday": return "Saturday" case "date-Jan": return "Jan" case "date-Feb": return "Feb" case "date-Mar": return "Mar" case "date-Apr": return "Apr" case "date-May": return "May" case "date-Jun": return "Jun" case "date-Jul": return "Jul" case "date-Aug": return "Aug" case "date-Sep": return "Sep" case "date-Oct": return "Oct" case "date-Nov": return "Nov" case "date-Dec": return "Dec" case "date-January": return "January" case "date-February": return "February" case "date-March": return "March" case "date-April": return "April" case "date-June": return "June" case "date-July": return "July" case "date-August": return "August" case "date-September": return "September" case "date-October": return "October" case "date-November": return "November" case "date-December": return "December" case "role-integrator": return "Developer" case "role-administrator": return "Administrator" case "role-moderator": return "Moderator" case "role-user": return "User" case "add-image": return "Add" case "change-image": return "Change" case "remove-image": return "Remove" case "set-sort-order-error": return "Error occured on position update" case "xml-section-general": return "General" case "php-messages": return "messages" case "tag-name": return "Tag Name" case "variable-value": return "Value" case "incorrect-parameter": return "Incorrect parameter passed to the VariableList() class" case "loading-edit-variable": return "loading variable info..." case "saving-variable": return "saving variable info..." case "lightbox-image": return "Image" case "lightbox-of": return "of" case "quote-recalculated-and-sent": return "Translation quote has been recalculated and sent" case "register": return "Register" case "login": return "Login" case "error-enter-text": return "Please enter original text" case "error-choose-sourcelang": return "Please select the source language" case "error-choose-targetlang": return "Please select the target language" case "error-choose-subject-category": return "Select the category of subject please" case "error-choose-subject": return "Select the subject please" case "error-PaymentMethod": return "Select payment method please" case "error-BillingPostalCode": return "Enter billing postal code please" case "error-BillingFirstName": return "Enter the first name" case "error-BillingSurname": return "Enter the surname" case "error-BillingAddress": return "Enter address" case "error-BillingCity": return "Please enter the city" case "error-BillingCountryID": return "Select billing country" case "error-BillingTitle": return "Select the title please" case "text-prefix": return "Text: " case "file-prefix": return "File: " case "error-quote": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please select the languages and Subject Matter, press Order, and we will send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote1": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please select the languages and Subject Matter, press Order, and we will send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote2": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please add any further languages and Order Information, press Continue to register your details, and we will then send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote4": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please press \'Request the Quote\', and we will send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote-right1": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please select the languages and Subject Matter, press Order, and we will send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote-right2": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please add any further languages and Order Information, press Continue to register your details, and we will then send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote-right3": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please register or log in, and we will send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-quote-right4": return "Sorry, it has not been possible to read one of your files. Please press \'Request the Quote\', and we will send you a quotation by E-mail." case "error-add-texts": return "Please enter the original text" case "h": return "h" case "forgot-password-title": return "Restore password" case "forgot-password-content": return "<p>Please enter the E-mail address which you registered on the website. After submission, a new password will be sent to you via E-mail.</p>" case "empty-email": return "Enter email please" case "empty-first-name": return "Enter first name" case "empty-surname": return "Enter surname" case "email-not-valid": return "Enter correct email" case "empty-address": return "Enter your address please" case "empty-postcode": return "Enter the postal code" case "empty-city": return "Enter your city" case "empty-countryID": return "Choose the country" case "label-Express": return "Express" case "label-Later": return "Later" case "label-Normal": return "Normal" case "label-HalfExpress": return "Half-express" case "saved-successfully": return "Your changes has been saved successfully" case "language-USD": return "US Dollar" case "language-GBP": return "Sterling" case "language-CHF": return "Swiss Franc" case "language-EUR": return "Euro" case "empty-currency": return "Choose the currency you prefer" case "empty-title": return "Select title please " case "empty-billing-title": return "Select title please" case "empty-billingfirst-name": return "Enter first name at billing details block" case "empty-billingsurname": return "Enter surname at billing details block" case "empty-billingaddress": return "Enter billing address" case "empty-billingpostcode": return "Enter billing post code" case "empty-billingcity": return "Enter billing city" case "empty-billingcountryID": return "Select billing country" case "empty-mobile-number": return "Please enter your mobile phone number" case "empty-acceptterms": return "Please read the general terms, conditions and data protection and accept if argee." case "quote-pdf-prefix": return "Translation Quotation" case "quote-mail-header": return "Your language-Xchange Quotation" case "order-mail-header": return "language-Xchange: order information" case "quote-mail-text": return "Hello, %Name%! <br/><br/>We\'ve sent you the pdf-file with the translation quote.<br/><br/><br/>Best regards,<br/>language-Xchange team." case "order-mail-text": return "Hello, %Name%! <br/><br/>You have made the order at our website. We are sending you the PDF-file with the details. <br/><br/><br/>Best regards,<br/>language-Xchange team." case "quote-admin-mail-header": return "Quote request from your site" case "quote-admin-mail-text": return "Hello, administrator!<br/><br/>\r\n You\'ve received a quotation request. Please, quote the Order number " case "quote-admin-mail-text2": return " for " case "quote-admin-mail-text3": return "." case "order-admin-mail-header": return "New order from your site." case "order-admin-mail-text": return "Hello, administrator!<br/><br/>\r\n You\'ve got a new order from your site. <br/><br/><br/>Order number: " case "order-admin-mail-text2": return "<br/>Client name: %Name%<br/>\r\n Total bill: %Total% %Currency%<br/>\r\n Planned delivery time: %Delivery%<br/>\r\n Translator instructions: %Instructions%\r\n " case "order-admin-mail-text3": return "." case "client-title-Mr": return "Mr" case "client-title-Mrs": return "Mrs" case "client-title-Ms": return "Ms" default: return key; } }